WIND'S HEARTBEAT » All Posts Sat, 18 Jan 2025 01:10:11 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[SOURCES]]> Sat, 20 Mar 2021 15:30:03 +0000 Wind This site is not based on any one philosophical approach. Rather, we seek helpful Knowledge from wherever it may appear and then try to communicate what we find in ways that participants can apply directly to personal, life challenges. There is a Spiritual bent to what we do but this is not in a religious or dogmatic sense. We all have a connection to what some call the Great Mystery.” Your Spiritual journey is very personal to you. All we suggest is that your walk on this Earth is related to that journey. Given that, it would be fair to state that what we offer is eclectic. Simple and unentangled.

One of the sources we use comes from Native American teachings. We make no claims to be experts on these teachings but we do have some Knowledge that you may find helpful. We do have a respect for our relationship, as humans, to the natural Earth. From that, we might suggest that awareness of nature around us is a way to enhance a healthy life. Opposite to that, denigrating our natural world does not lead to healthy life for self or for others. We encourage a strong relationship with nature because we see that when an individual does that, their physical, mental and emotional health is enhanced. Thus, we do bring tools from Native American teachings that may help YOU to have a more meaningful relationship with Nature.

Another source that is very prevalent in what we do, is Buddhism. Again, we do not profess to be experts or evolved monks. However, there are many Buddhist teachings that are readily available to all of us and these can be very helpful in helping us balance our daily lives. You can read or listen to pod casts and get much of what these teachings offer. However, what we do is try to direct you to teachings that apply directly to what is happening in your life right now. We have the advantage of having studied and used these teaching in real applications for many years. We may be a sort of short cut for you if you are on this path.

A third source comes from the Toltec teachings that many have met through the books of Carlos Castaneda and don Miguel Ruiz. Again, we make no claims of having any inside source but we have been studying and applying these teachings for many years. We have used them to make changes in our own lives and we can guide you in selecting teachings that may be of help to you. Remember, the Intent behind what we do is to make concepts that suggest Knowledge, into real life actions that can change your life in positive ways.

A forth source is my own professional training and background. I am a behaviorist which, in short, means that I have spent my adult life studying behavior and how it works. My sense is that each of us is a conditioned being. That means we are shaped and molded by the ways in which our environment reacts to our behavior. At the same time, if we are aware of how this works, how we have been molded or conditioned, it is quite possible for us to take charge of our own conditioning and thus to introduce self-determination into our lives. This is fascinating work and, again, a path that you can choose or reject. It is just offered.

When we said “eclectic,” the inference was that there are no limits to where we find Knowledge that we can share. As Don Miguel suggested, just “do your best.” That’s why we’re here.

]]> <![CDATA[WHAT’S WIND’S HEARTBEAT]]> Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:39:18 +0000 Wind It’s all about INTENT.

We are a product of Intent. Our lives are a product of Intent. The reality in which we do this Earth Walk is a product of Intent. We are all masters of Intent but very few of us realize the power of our own Intent or recognize that mastery. Even fewer humans are consciously aware of this power and take responsibility for using it in a deliberate fashion. However, when we do become awakened masters of Intent, we unleash our magical nature and discover our power to manage our own destiny. The Intent of this website is to share teachings that will help participants to find their own awareness of their own power of Intent.

Your journey is YOUR journey but many have walked before you and traveled paths on which they have learned much wisdom that can be shared. Our Intent in sharing whatever we can of these teachings is simply to give you wisdom that may help you in your personal life and on your Spiritual Journey. We have no Intent to tell you what to do or how to do it but we do want to give you tools so that you can grow and evolve as you choose.

Each individual’s life is filled with challenges and as we meet challenges, we smooth out the path we are on. The challenges of the physical life are on the path to Spiritual fulfillment. We might say that the Earth Walk is, while we are here, the core of our personal, Spiritual journey. As we apply Intent to give you tools and wisdom that may help you along, we have no Intent to encourage or discourage any of your own beliefs, religions, politics or dogmas. As you work with us, it is our Intent that you may come to realize why we are not interested in how you manage your own beliefs. As your path becomes less bumpy, you will most assuredly be sorting through your own beliefs and looking at how you have become the person you are. YOU will come to a place where you realize you have not really been in charge of yourself but, with carefully chosen actions, can actually become your own guide.

Finally, what we Intend is to encourage a “Path of Action.” If your desire is to engage self-growth by figuring it out, this is not the place for you. You will acquire Knowledge and will come to an understanding that eclipses anything you have previously experienced but this will come from doing stuff. It will come from actions. The mental body functions and your emotional states will follow your ACTIONS.

If you are interested, you will be welcome. If you engage our offerings and they are not for you, you are also welcome to leave. If you are interested in a path of personal growth which involves actions that change the way to are living your life and if you have an interest in finding your own Spirituality, you may find this helpful. Register for and we’ll go from there.

]]> <![CDATA[WHAT IS THE COST OF PARTICIPATION?]]> Sun, 07 Mar 2021 17:50:34 +0000 Wind We do not charge for participation on this forum. Our Intent is to share wisdom/guidance that may be helpful to you. However, there is a teaching that tells us that when we receive something of value, we accept it by giving back in like kind. Our experience has shown that those who do contribute generally make the most use of what is offered and those who do not contribute, make very little use of what they might have received. Thus, if you find this forum to have some value to you, you will enhance that value by your contributions. And, of course, it is helpful to us when you do contribute.

In many cases, participants are simply unable to contribute. Part of what we do is to give you guidance towards more personal abundance for yourself. We trust that, as you engage this work and make changes in your life, you will find abundance and eventually be in a position to contribute. In any case, there is no bill nor is there any debt owed. You decide that there is value or none.

]]> <![CDATA[HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FORUM?]]> Sun, 07 Mar 2021 17:44:35 +0000 Wind This forum welcomes anyone who is interested in personal and Spiritual growth. Our Intent is to work with individuals by jointly identifying areas of interest or concern and providing guidance derived from a variety of sources. We are here to provide guidance that may help you progress on your path of personal and Spiritual growth.
Participants are free to accept or reject what is offered and, hopefully, will find ways to apply provided teachings to improve their own life. Some of what we offer is open to the public while some is very individualized and offered in private communications. Those who engage the private, 1-on-1 offerings, will also have access to group exchanges, limited to the more engaged participants.

If your interest is in the private aspects, you can begin by contacting Wind and we will decide together if this looks like something you would like to try. E-mail me at and tell me a bit about yourself and your interests. After you have done this and registered for the forum, I will open sections of the forum to you, create a private space on forum where you and I can communicate and reply to your email with an instruction to get you started.

Love and Light,
