WIND'S HEARTBEAT » All Posts Sat, 18 Jan 2025 01:10:17 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:01:20 +0000 Wind The quest for “power” is a critical journey for a Warrior. However, as one acquires more and more power, they eventually meet the ironic discovery that they no longer have a “need”. The journey has not been so much about power as it has been about self-importance.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:06:05 +0000 Wind This morning, I saw a news clip on TV that showed a toddler in the yard with his mother. A hawk dove from above and flew right past the child as the mom went into a protective mode. The statement by the news person was that the mom had saved the child from the attacking hawk. This might have been the conclusion of many observers but, from my perspective, the hawk was never close enough to touch the child and this incident brought to mind an experience from my own personal history.

Some years ago, I was sitting in the desert in New Mexico. My Intent was to find a Spirit name for myself. After 3 days, I had no sense of a name except that the word “wind” kept interrupting my thoughts. I repeatedly said to myself, “Wind is not a name”. Then, I heard a squawk in the air above and when I looked up, there was a raven circling. It was as if the squawking turned to clear speech and I heard: “Wind is a very fine name.” At that exact same instant, a hawk came flying straight at me and buzzed me just inches away from my left shoulder. At that moment, I realized it was time to quit resisting and I said to myself, “My name is Wind.”

There is a very important point to be shared as I recall this experience and the report on TV this morning. Every moment in every life is an experience. We might say that every moment brings a hawk flying by us. We have a choice of what we see and how we see it. The hawk can be just a bird that is miscalculating or lost or even attacking. What it is doing is what our perception says. It can also be a messenger from our Spirit Self. The message might or might not be clear but we can always perceive the events in our lives as messengers that we are tasked with hearing. This is a matter of perception. Is the “hawk” just a bird passing through or is the “Hawk” a gift from whom we can gather a bit more wisdom or healing or evolving energy? Can the Hawk guide us on this Earth Walk? We choose or, at least we have a choice how we perceive the Hawk. Sometimes the greatest challenges are the most meaningful “Hawks.” Sometimes the challenge becomes a gift because we see it as the Hawk.

Each of us can benefit from applying perspective to our daily experiences. We can treat each moment as a Hawk bringing messages or we can perceive events as life passing by. Was that little boy just lucky that his mom was there or was that little boy being touched by Spirit in some way? Was this a close call or was it Great Mystery doing what Great Mystery does? Can you see how this is a teaching that you can apply to every moment of your own experience? What can I learn from this moment? Perspective!

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Thu, 08 Aug 2024 19:29:10 +0000 Wind We are all “enablers”. We interact with other people and even with various and sundry animals. The manner in which we interact impacts their behavior. This is enabling.

Often, we enable behavior that might not be so desirable. When we encourage or participate in behavior that might be harmful to self or to another person, we are enabling that behavior. When we gossip, we are enabling our own and others’ behavior that serves only negative purpose. When we participate in use of drugs or alcohol with someone who is misusing substances, we are enabling their dysfunctional behavior. When we laugh about unkind behavior towards others, we are enabling whoever emitted such behavior. Perhaps a bit more subtle but also powerful version of enabling occurs when we engage a person in argument or angry behavior. We reinforce conflict and that is enabling. There is Warrior Wisdom in paying attention to how we might enable inappropriate behavior and then, of course, modifying our own behavior.

There is a flip side to enabling. We usually think of enabling in reference to negative behavior but we can also be enablers of positive behavior. We have the ability to reinforce acts of kindness, for example. A simple compliment can go a long way. We can also enable positive behavior by refusing to participate in something that might be harmful to self or to another. We can enable positive social behavior by electing activities that do not encourage dysfunction. We can enable positive behavior be being an example. This can be particularly effective with children but can also have powerful influence on adult friends and even on strangers. We can and do enable ourselves. Be the person you would most admire and reinforce those admirable behaviors in others. You will find your own reinforcement in the power you gather by positive enabling.

We are all responsible for ourselves, but our responsibility goes beyond that. We are the creators of our own reality and the others who appear in our reality are part of what we are creating. We can be supportive and enablers of positive or we can be creators of the negative. We choose what we enable. Be a Great Warrior and make conscious, responsible choices. Enable the life that brings peace and love. You Know. Just gotta do it.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: QUOTATIONS AND SYNOPSES OF HELPFUL WISDOM]]> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 22:03:06 +0000 Wind We often reference a behavior that we refer to as “Witnessing.” The Intent of this behavior is to observe, as fully as possible and without any sort of prejudice, all that is happening in your field of conscious awareness. To do this, it is imperative that we remove our focus away from self and apply it with total objectivity. This mandates application of several of the key teaching we repeat over and over.
1. Relinquish self-importance. Be like the air or like water, just there but with no defining, differential characteristic. Just there, being receptive.
2. Take nothing personally. As soon as you make it about you, even in the slightest ways, you are now creating rather than observing.
3. Make no assumptions. Any assumptions are based on your prejudices and beliefs. You cloud the potential clarity of pure witnessing when you assume.
4. Resist the temptation to figure it out. This is a big one as we so easily convince ourselves that the reason for witnessing is so that we can come to KNOW. Ahhh, and it is–but not by mental gymnastics.
5. Trust in yourself and trust in Spirit. Trust that both are One. Trust that if you let go of controlling, manipulating, and imposing a false persona, you will be left with that which is pure. You will be hard pressed to interpret or put into words, that which you Witness but, you may actually experience SEEING and you may actually come away with Knowledge.

Later on, we’ll spend some time looking at how the power of Witnessing can be reconciled with you conditioned, human aspect.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: QUOTATIONS AND SYNOPSES OF HELPFUL WISDOM]]> Wed, 05 Jun 2024 13:06:59 +0000 Wind There are many ways to use words to express the same thing. This essay resonates so much with the work we do here. Take a look and see it the words serve as a connection between you and the wisdom you seek.

Death Doesn’t Exist And May Just Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics

Albert Einstein once said “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us … know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion,” speaking of his friend that passed. He was alluding to the idea that death is just an illusion.

One of the biggest existential questions haunting the mind of scientists and the average person alike since the beginning of time is what happens after death. Over time as technology evolves so have our answers. There is still an infinite number of possible answers but one of the latest studies says it’s because death doesn’t exist.

According to Robert Lanza, M.D, death is actually a door to an endless number of universes. That means that just as you live your life right now, another version of you lives its life and makes different decisions that alter its outcome. So whatever regret you have in this life or opportunity you long for, it’s likely happening in some universe.
Lanza asserts that anything that possibly can happen is happening in some universe. Every single possible outcome plays out in one of the endless universes. For that reason, he concludes that death can’t exist in these scenarios since they’re all happening at the same time. If your brain hurts, bare with us.

As it turns out, the only reason we associate our consciousness, so the awareness that we exist, with our physical body, is because of the energy working in our brains. This energy lets us know we’re alive.
We believe in death because we’ve been taught we die. Our association with our body is so strong that when we “die’ we assume that both our body and consciousness also shut off. Yet biocentrism, a new theory of everything, is suggesting that death is not the end like we think. We have the power to change our brain circuits with new associations, like learning that fire is hot by touching it. This shows that what we see would not be perceived without our consciousness.

Biocentrism believes that life and consciousness are both fundamental to the ways of the universe. Lanza also adds that it’s consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around. That means that it’s us who have the power to create our own realities.
Think of the power of perception. There is the truth and there is our interpretation of it depending on the way we experience it, which varies from person to person and brain to brain. Everything you see and experience right now‚ including the words you’re reading is information translated in your mind. Some concepts like time and space can’t be grasped with perception.

Think of air, you know it’s all around you but if you clench your fist to grab unto it what do find when you open your hand? Nothing. This is an example of how something can exist without having a tangible body presence.
Lanza believes that when we die, we experience a break in the string that binds the mind and body together as one. The mind and body connection which is intertwined in each of the universes breaks and allows for consciousness to flow and join a collective space. Once this takes place, we also experience a break from our connection of times and places.

In a conversation with Huffington Post, Lanza explained that space and time are just tools that our minds use to make sense of our experience, like a language for consciousness.
“Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death doesn’t exist in these scenarios since all of them exist simultaneously regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is just energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.” Every single possible scenario to live is played out somewhere, at some point.

If you’re still having a hard time grasping this concept, Lanza invites you to think of his idea of death as finishing a good TV series. You can experience different stories, different characters, and different endings from all around the director’s table, and just like with all the different versions in the universe, at the end of each plotline, it’s still you.
In a way, your story is always unfinished because somewhere out there another version of you is playing out a different story. After all death, just like our consciousness, is just energy, and energy can’t be created or destroyed, this is a law of physics.

If you want to read more about this to make sense of it, Lanza wrote a whole book about it entitled, “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe.“ Naturally, it has been received with some controversy.
However, Lanza’s findings raise an important conversation about life and death and could be the missing puzzle pieces to some of science’s most complicated puzzles. This theory suggests that space and time, including death and matter itself, are just a perception or an illusion that depends on the observer.

If we chose to believe this theory it could actually bring us a lot of f freedom and power over ourselves and our lives. It would mean that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe are malleable. We could create the kind of life we desire most by making the decisions that serve us best in endless options.
We would also have nothing to lose since the fear of death would disappear and we would instead accept a timeless and spaceless world where we’re all connected in some way to each other, and ourselves across past, present, and future.

Energy can’t be created nor destroyed which means that the only time that matters is the present since there is technically no past nor future. How this impacts death is still uncertain but it still should encourage you to remain in a state of mindful flow.
Let go of the past, live in the present, and stop always waiting for the next moment. Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!
The numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.
Written By: Nicole Minor.
This article was originally published on Higher Perspective.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Wed, 15 May 2024 15:23:10 +0000 Wind Self-importance, masculine energy, feminine energy and balance. Can we see how these concepts all work together to contribute towards our personal and Spiritual growth?

As we go through life and engage growth, one of our greatest challenges is to balance our masculine and feminine energies AND to keep doing so in a way that brings us closer and closer to that place where balance is in place and extreme emotional loading is not occurring. In other words, we want to learn to be receptive by being a witness rather than a victim and we want to learn to use our expressive actions to contribute positive energy to the world around us. The key to this is to be relinquishing self-importance. When someone says something unkind to us and we react, that is self-importance at work. When we react in a way that takes the energies to a calmer, more balanced place, we are letting go of, at least some of our self-importance. When we no longer have any desire or need to react, we may have found a new level of freedom from self-importance. It may be unlikely that we will completely eradicate self-importance in this lifetime, but we can all make a significant dent and when we do, we will be a very different person and we will be having a very positive effect on the One that we all are.

So, work on balance. Keep seeking that quiet place where receptive and expressive are not emotionally loaded. Be patient as you watch yourself grow and evolve. Be ruthless as you pick yourself up after each fall. Simple–not so easy–totally doable.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Tue, 07 May 2024 14:29:54 +0000 Wind One of the challenges, as we work on our personal healing, is to over-come that very natural tendency to deny issues that we see as faults. For example, most recently, we have been focusing on the issue of self-importance. As we look at various challenges, you have been getting constant reminders that a major, contributive issues is self-importance. Since this is something we all want to relinquish, we naturally try to convince ourselves that our own self-importance is not all that bad. We have even had alleged Warriors who have declared that they no longer have any self-importance. In short, this is not ever true for any of us who are doing this Earth Walk as human beings. We define ourselves in whatever way, we then attach to that definition and that is self-importance. Further, as humans, we are imperfect. As Warriors, this is an extremely important fact to bring into awareness and to keep in sharp focus.

The point of this brief post is quite simple. As you move along a path of personal and Spiritual growth, you will become more and more aware of issues, like self-importance, that are holding you back and that need efforts towards resolution. If you rationalize or excuse these issues, you will miss the opportunities for healing and growth. If you accept issues as worthy of awareness and of work, you will make progress in your journey to grow. Use the issues that come into awareness. Do your best to see how the issues impact various aspects of your life. Rather than seeing issues as faults, look at them as clues in your own, personal, treasure hunt.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Fri, 03 May 2024 13:30:04 +0000 Wind We have been having some discussions about how we feel in varying environments. There is some agreement that when we are in a natural setting, away from people, we are most at ease. The word “natural” is descriptive of how we feel. No “charges.” We are just there, feeling comfortable in our own skin. Sitting in the woods or working in the garden….

At the other end of a sort of continuum, when we are with other people who we perceive as potentially judging us, we tend to be uncomfortable. We are out of balance and can have difficulty functioning effectively or without emotional reactions.

Somewhere between these two extremes, most of us have people with whom we are totally at ease. Generally, we find this true when interacting with children and many of us are comfortable when dealing with infirm or handicapped. Often, we are comfortable with the elderly, perhaps in part because they have found their own “calm” and are sharing that energy with us. Note, this is about energy.

The challenge is to evolve our emotions so that we are always in a comfort zone, regardless of our environment. A simple suggestion might be very helpful. When you are in a situation where you are feeling discomfort, try finding some aspect of that environment that offers a connection with an energy that you associate with emotional peace and comfort. There will always be some reminder of the natural environment, for example. This might be a plant in the room, a picture on the wall, the light coming in a window. Find that energy, which is always present, and connect with it. Use it to tune yourself like a musician uses a pitch pipe to tune an instrument. Find the calm that you feel when alone in the woods or in your garden. Focus on feeling that calm. Be patient. Practice this and you will get a sense that you are changing and becoming more and more comfortable, regardless of your environment.


]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Sun, 24 Mar 2024 14:33:16 +0000 Wind WHO, WHO, WHO ARE YOU?

As we grow and evolve, this question becomes of considerable interest. How do we come to KNOW self? We can see how our self-image is very controlled by how we think others view us but, at the same time, we know that is not WHO we are. We can look at the way we are managing our lives and some seems to fit and some does not. That’s also, not quite WHO we are. However, deep inside our hearts, we do KNOW WHO we are or at least, we KNOW that we do have a WHO. But, in our ever-chattering mental body, that WHO remains a mystery. So, wouldn’t it be nice if we had a way to create clarity and come to SEE our own, personal, Authentic identity.

For those of you who have been writing a daily Intent on forum, you have actually been creating a map that will show you WHO you are. You now have created a tool for yourself to explore and solve this mystery. A simple exercise is all you need.

1. Begin by choosing a time frame. Let’s suggest 6 months. You can make this shorter or longer.

2. On your forum page where you post daily, find the page number indicator and thumb back through those pages until you find the post that you made 6 months ago.

3. List the “key words” in your statement of Intent in that post. For example, if your Intent was: “My Intent is to be patient and kind while not taking things personally.” Start your list with the key words:
not taking personally-1
4. Then go to your next post and identify the key words. ex: “My Intent is to be kind and to not judge others.” Add to your list:
not taking personally-1
no judging-1
5. Go to the next post and on through all posts for the 6 month period. Add key words as they appear and keep the tally of each. As you do this. your Authentic Self will emerge before your very eyes and, by the end, it should be very clear WHO you are in your heart. You will find yourself saying to self, “Yes, this is really WHO I am in my heart and WHO I want to be in my life.” This may not align 100% with your conditioned persona but, as you absorb what you are learning, you will sense a warm, comfortable place in your heart. You will know that this WHO is the person you are here, in this life, to cultivate, grow and evolve. This person is where your path will take you when you stay on track. Those key words are your map and they represent your Authentic Self. Now you have met WHO you are. The journey continues.

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: FROM THE HOLLOW BONE]]> Sat, 03 Feb 2024 17:37:23 +0000 Wind “Relationships” are central to a human life and often present some of the greatest challenges. This is particularly true in marriages or marriage-like arrangements where two people are sharing so much of their lives. As we do this work, it is very obvious that relationship challenges are one of the most important aspects of growing and evolving, both spiritually and in daily living. These challenges often tend to manifest as huge, complex, apparently unresolvable problems. However, in fact, this is another case where “simple” may be the best solution.

In short, we are all here to serve. Our relationships are our laboratories for practicing serving and to perfect it as best we can. Serving without expectation of return is the very definition of unconditional love. We may begin a relationship with our hungry neediness but most find that the reinforcement value that ensues, has a tendency to wear-off somewhere along the line. Then it is time to get to work–or to just hang it up. If you have any interest in evolving the relationship and yourself, the challenge is to learn service without expectation of reward. The specific ways in which this is done will vary in any relationship but the principle is the same. Serve without “me, me, me!!”

You might ask how you can be expected to do this if your partner does not reciprocate. That is, BTW, a common result of conditioned, human behavior. Humans are self-important and generally have been taught to take rather than to give or to give when a reward can be realized. If you are going to be a Warrior and facilitate your own growth, you need to defy this up-bringing. You need to reverse neediness syndrome and move into a mode of service. Many times, we have repeated that a Warrior must be “ruthless, cunning’ patient and sweet.” There is service in a nutshell. If you are in a less than perfect relationship, consider this teaching. Work on being of service to your “mate” and if you want to gain something for yourself, consider the possibility that what you are doing is learning to actually engage in Unconditional Love.

As you contemplate an increased focus on service in whatever relationship/s you have, you will want to plan concrete actions or modes of behavior for yourself. This can be a bit daunting at first as it tends to go against habitual patterns. We can discuss this in places where you post on forum. Describe your ideas and plans. Ask questions and compare notes with others who are engaging similar challenges. SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
